Arthur Lindgren suffered a massive heart attack one cold January evening on Vinalhaven island. Against all odds, Arthur survived. He survived because his friends and neighbors performed CPR for nearly 10 minutes until island EMS arrived. He survived because the local EMS used an automated external defibrillator (AED) to quickly re-start Arthur’s heart. He survived because donors throughout Maine helped to purchase night vision goggles, advanced blood analyzer kits and state-of-the-art monitors for the LifeFlight of Maine crew.
Arthur’s story is not unusual in Maine’s emergency medical community. Across the state, local dispatchers, first responders, EMTs and paramedics work together to help their friends and neighbors in need. Collaboration is essential. When necessary, LifeFlight is called to help the local EMS network provide the best treatment possible. In Arthur’s case, the helicopter was needed to get him off the island quickly, and to deliver a critical care team with the advanced equipment essential to his treatment in the air.
The entire system can’t exist without the support of private donors and local volunteers. From buying medical equipment to funding training opportunities, donors play a variety of critical roles in Maine’s emergency medical system.
CommSpec Beth Mazerolle
Pilot Dave Beaulieu
Nurse Doug Chappelle
Paramedic Kalem Malcolm