Bethel EMT Melinda Evans was snowmobiling with friends when she missed a turn and ran headfirst into a tree. The front of her helmet was split into, and her face shield completely shattered. Minutes after the 911 call, local EMS first responders, Melinda’s friends and coworkers, arrived to find one of their own badly hurt with a serious head injury. They knew their friend’s best chance for survival rested with LifeFlight, so they managed her airway, immobilized her spine, started IVs and brought her to the airport to meet the helicopter.
The flight crew arrived to find Melinda not talking, with blood in her mouth and unable to respond to simple directions. The critical care team quickly placed a breathing tube and gave her pain and sedation medications. After only an 18-minute flight, they reached Central Maine Medical Center where trauma surgeons repaired her neck, spine and facial fractures. She spent more than two weeks in the hospital, and another several months recovering at home with help from her husband, Mike, and daughters Hannah and Katelynn.
Since the accicent, she has recertified her EMT license and can’t wait to get back to work helping others when they need it most.
CommSpec Beth Mazerolle
Pilot Karl Hatlemark
Nurse Heather Carpenter
Medic Mike Choate