I was skiing in America March 2013, staying in Sunday River. While I was skiing, the pole went into my ribs. I went straight to hospital and on the way I was told I had 3 broken ribs, a punctured lung and my heart wasn’t working properly. I also had problems breathing. I had 7 injections in the ambulance: 3 drips, 2 blood samples and 2 injections. There were tubes coming out of my arms everywhere. I was taken into a helicopter and there I met flight nurse Jackie Turcotte. I had no t-shirt or anything. All I was wearing was a pair of joggers. I was freezing. My temperature went down a bit but not too much. We landed at a hospital where the doctors were amazing. They gave me a new t-shirt, socks, shoes and a hat. I was all snuggled up. I got home last week with a lot of bruising and cuts but not so much that I couldn’t do anything. I was in pain for 3 or so days but after that the swelling went down and all I am left with is bruising and cuts which are healing. Jackie Turcotte sent me a calendar of the helicopter I travelled in and a little card wishing I was all good. Thank you to everyone that looked after me and for everything you all did for me.